Rise of Herobrine. A Minecraft original story

The sun was going down.
   It was a race against time. Steve checked his pouch, just to be sure , ' of course it's a wooden sword" he sighed. He needed to craft a watch being caught off guard like that sucked.
   Life was hard, making a home was the most important thing to be done, well second most important if you take the happenings of the last few days into consideration. He'd spent the whole day collecting materials and food. Kind of ironic how he had a diamond pick but a wooden sword.

It was getting darker.
    The animals had already left the plains, seeking shelter. He zoomed through the plains with little hindrances.

His cave side house was just across the river. " Maybe I could build out a porche. Alex would like that" he thought as he sneaked across the narrow dirt bridge.

    It was right there.
    He hoped she wasn't home. Alex.
    He hoped she'll sleep in the village tonight. She wouldn't support what he'd do, or where he'd go. 

    He made it in, slamming the door just as a single arrow stuck it. He wasn't concerned though. Not about the skeletons at least. The room smelled of Lilys. There was a fresh batch of them on the center table, "she'll probably plant those tomorrow." "Alex?" No response.He called out just as he turned down the hallway way and stopped immediately. The sign says she wouldn't sleep at home tonight," I have a few things to discuss with the librarian." He was relieved,and scared all at once. This was perfect. He went in the room shutting the door firmly behind him. This was a bad idea. He walked over to the bed and moved it, revealing a trapdoor underneath. A secret he'd kept since the day before yesterday. The doorway to the destruction of his world. He jumped in.

His first expedition was all too memorable, he couldn't just ignore it.
    The forest with no leaves, the tunnels stretching on for blocks and blocks. The hidden shrine in the cave.
    He could still hear the voice, dancing through his ears. He could almost taste it; dark, unforgiving. Rotten. "Find me." It had said. And he was going to. 

He placed down torches in the walls if the secret room he'd hollowed underneath his bedroom. Rummaging through his pouch, he grabbed a crafting table, a flint and steel and the blocks of obsidian he'd spent the day sourcing. He started on his project, first crafting an iron sword, just in case. Then placing the blocks as he was instructed to; two blocks wide and three blocks high. The ominous gaping shaped thing looked like it would swallow him whole if he got too close. But something was off. The obsidian seemed.... living. It glowed a dark purple and there were dark shaped floating all around inside the blocks. This was a bad idea.
    He held the flint and steel in his already sweaty hands, and struck.
    Nothing happened
At first. Then a single purple flame lit, and spread. Engulfing the whole structure in flames, but it wasn't hot. It didn't burn. He could hear the screams from the flames. Ominous. His face lit up in terror.

Almost immediately the flames desipated, blowing out the torches, knocking him into the walls, leaving him in darkness. In it's place was some sort of doorway. He looked up to see it, glowing purple. The thing formed was as glass but not quite as it bended and pulsated with each scream. Then it all began.
   A hand shot out if the portal tugging at it, then another, ripping at the ominous fabric. Destroying it.
   Steve unsheathed his sword. Fear dancing in his eyes. It was dark. Pitch black. The only sounds the beating if his heart against his chest. He waited for what seemed like an eternity, he'd have loved to move, to run, but he couldn't. Frozen in fear by the wall , he knew he was not alone. It was here with him.

   The same voice as in the shine spoke, twisted and dark,"you have set me free."" You have offered this land, to anarchy!"
   A pair of eyes stared right at him, glowing white with putrid rage. Herobrine...........

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